Collection: Kokeshi Dolls

Explore our superb collection of authentic Kokeshi Dolls which have been hand crafted and hand painted in Japan from cherry and mizuki trees. These charming Japanese wooden dolls, which are exquisite gifts of love and friendship, have become very collectible in recent years. Order your Japanese Kokeshi Doll online today and make it look even more special with our FREE Japanese style gift wrapping service!

Unlike cheap imitations made from resin, all of our Kokeshi Dolls are completely authentic and made in Japan from cherry and mizuki trees by highly skilled craftsman. Carved without arms or legs, instead having a simple trunk with an enlarged head to imitate the human shape. It is thought that they originated in the early 19th century in northern Japan. The local farmers used their carving and woodwork skills to create souvenirs and presents for people visiting the local hot springs. The Kokeshi Doll and its variations were one of the most popular and have become a part of Japanese culture ever since. The beautiful hand-painted designs give these Japanese Kokeshi Dolls their charm, bringing them to life as the ideal Japanese gift!